Anatomy of the Fluorescence Microscope
Fluorescence microscopes have evolved with speed over the past decade, coupled to equally rapid advances in laser technology, solid-state detectors, interference thin film fabrication, and computer-based image analysis.
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Comparison of Phase Contrast and DIC Microscopy
The most fundamental distinction between differential interference contrast and phase contrast microscopy is the optical basis upon which images are formed.
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DIC Microscope Configuration and Alignment
DIC components can be installed on virtually any brightfield transmitted, reflected, or inverted microscope, provided the instrument is able to accept polarizing filters and the specially designed condenser and objective prisms.
2018-04-18 Pooher Inc. 240
Fundamental Concepts in DIC Microscopy
Through a mechanism different from phase contrast, differential interference contrast converts specimen optical path gradients in o amplitude differences that can be visualized as improved contrast in the resulting image.
2018-04-18 Pooher Inc. 290
Microscopy ergonomics
Upon walking in o a busy laboratory it isn't unusual to see microscopes sitting on books, tilted at odd angles, and otherwise precariously supported in a variety of positions to accommodate their users.
2018-04-16 Pooher Inc. 205
Anatomy of the Microscope - Microscope Stages
All microscopes are designed to include a stage where the specimen (usually mounted onto a glass slide) is placed for observation.
2018-04-13 Pooher Inc. 383
Köhler Illumination in Reflected Light
Köhler Illumination in Reflected Light
2018-03-27 Pooher Inc. 246
Olympus Microscopy Resource Center | Anatomy of the Microscope
Microscopes are instruments designed to produce magnified visual or photographic images of small objects.
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